Simple Battery California
What is simple Battery?
The battery charge definition says that simple battery occurs when a person unlawfully touches another person with force or violence. The touching that occurs and is considered "simple battery," does not have to actually cause any harm or injury. Additionally, it is important to know that the touching of another person must be willful. In other words, if you accidentally trip and as you’re falling you bump into another person that is not considered battery.
How to Get a Simple Battery Charge Dropped
If you've been charged with battery, it's critical that you start exploring your defense options. At Thomas Daly Law, A Professional Corporation, our Walnut Creek simple battery lawyer has worked time and time again with clients accused of these violent acts and thoroughly protected their rights and interests before the law. Attorney Daly has handled hundreds of cases over his career and knows what it takes to resolve these matters as swiftly and favorably as possible. Our battery lawyers will help you beat a simple battery charge. Visit our criminal lawyer reviews to see why clients choose us when they need the best attorneys in Walnut Creek.
It is possible to confront your simple battery charge with confidence. Contact our Walnut Creek law firm to request a free case evaluation from a simple battery lawyer near you.
Misdemeanor Battery Charges in California
A simple battery charge is codified under California Penal Code 242 PC, where it is categorized as a serious misdemeanor. If a conviction is reached, a defendant could face both significant fines, jail time and restrictions on owning firearms.
A simple battery charge in California can result in the following penalties:
- Up to six months in county jail
- Up to $2,000 in fines
- Ten-year restriction on owning firearms & ammunition
Get the advocacy you need for your simple battery charge. Call (925) 208-4801 today for a FREE consultation with a Walnut Creek battery attorney.